Our Worship

Our Worship
For where two or three gather together in my name, there am I with them
(Matthew 18:20)
Whether the group is large or small, whenever God’s people gather together and proclaim the words and works of Jesus, God is glorified! Worship is all about Jesus. HIS work, HIS love, HIS salvation.
Our worship at St. Peter’s focuses on Christ’s teachings to us of sin and grace. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23)
Christ-centered worship always speaks to our hearts! Christ-centered worship tells us what we NEED to hear, not just what we WANT to hear. God’s love is the only true comfort and peace that our world can know. The more we learn, hear and sing God’s praises, the more peace will come into our homes, families and lives.
Our worship at St. Peter’s is for every age. Whether we sing a well-known hymn with the organ, or whether we learn a new song while the guitar is strumming, our prayer is that you may know the wondrous grace of God more and more. Please join us for worship at 10AM on Sundays.